Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The traffic for the last 1/8 mile home from quilting was horrendous. First, Mr. Jack Rabbit zig-zagged drunkenly down the road blocking all attempts at passing. He staggered left, then right seeking his elusive turn-off. I crept slowly up the lane giving him plenty of room. Suddenly, three deer darted out of a side road and stopped dead in the intersection. Poor Mr. Jack Rabbit, he didn't know which way to go. In confusion he turned and met me head-on. At the last minute he swerved to the right and we passed unscathed. The deer stood there and assessed the situation. Finally, they bounded gracefully into the neighbor's orchard and I was able to make it home.

Town Notes: We left another pick-up load of fire debris at the landfill. I got my monthly blood test. John got his teeth examined and cleaned. The Dodge Ram passed its smog test. John and I completed a rigorous counseling session: we both have some cognitive retraining to do. Groceries from Costco and Raley's will keep us fed for the next week. Lunch (and later supper) was a Costco rotisserie chicken: Yumm! a cheaper and healthier lunch than burgers.

Quilting: I took my machine to the Grange Hall and stitched my material sandwiches together. I got all thirty done and was able to lay out the blocks before we parted ways at nine. I didn't like the first lay out and it was nice to have help seeing the blocks a new way.

1 comment:

Holt-bots that do everything said...

It was nice to read your post Nana, sorry I have not been on mine lately. Thanks for the pictures, even if it was hard to take them.