Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Today I was reading the Shepherd's Almanack that is a part of Sheep! magazine. It stated that there would be a weather front the 1st and 2nd of September and that combined with a new moon would make the days a poor choice for working with sheep. Well here we are in sunny Northern California and I didn't believe the information applied here and we scheduled a sorting and toe trimming project for Labor Day. I was wrong. The wind blew like the dickens indicating a change in barametric pressure in the valley and the sheep reacted just like the almanac said. We finally got the job done but not without having to resort the sheep at least three times. They kept inventing new ways of escaping our clutches. It helped to know that the weather and new moon were combining to create crazy ewe behavior as we were able to take all their shenagains with a sense of humor and patience that would not have been there without prior warning.

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